Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Warhol Photos

Four Square: I wanted to use pastels and dark colors in this one. I adjusted the hue in the green and red ones. In the red one I adjusted only a portion of the can. Then I used paintbucket to color in different colors, but for the bottom one I decided to color in the bottom part of the can yellow because I liked thte way it looked.

Portrait: For this portrait of my sister, I adjusted the threshold, then I just highlighted different portions of the picture and used paintbucket. Then, I adjusted the texture.
Pop Art: I adjusted the threshold for this shot, then all I did was use the Paintbucket feature to add some bright colors to the dark part of the photo.

Andy Warhol
·         Real name is Andrew Warhola (8/6/28-2/22/87) (Became Warhol after a misprint)
o   Born in Pittsburgh, PA, Parents from Czechoslovakia (does not exist anymore)
o   Father worked in a coal mine
·         In High School, kicked out of art club because he was “too good”
·         Graduated from the Carnegie Institute of Technology (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
·         Graduated with degree for pictorial design & wanted to become a commercial illustrator
·         Designed advertisements for women’s shoes
·         Used Polaroid camera
·         Fear of hospitals and doctors, hypochondriac
·         Favorite print making technique was silk screening
·         Friends & family described him as a workaholic
·         His sexuality was speculated upon and how this influenced his relationship to art is “a major subject of scholarship on the artist”
·         First solo expedition in 1952
·         Coined the term “15 minutes of fame”
·         1960s: iconic American products (pop art)
·         Created The Factory, his NYC studio from 1962-1968
·         Celebrity portraits developed into one of the most important aspects of his career
·         Made films (first one called Sleep – 6 hours of a man sleeping) (1963)
·         1965 said he was retiring from painting
o   1972 returned to painting
·         Designed cover for the Rolling Stones’ album Sticky Fingers (cover made out of real jean material)
·         Produced Velvet Underground’s first album
·         Started a magazine called Interview, worked for Glamour Magazine, Vogue
·         Shot by Valerie Solanas 3 times for being abusive and “too controlling” (6/3/68)
o   Solanas authored the S.C.U.M. Manifesto, a separatist feminist document
o   "Before I was shot, I always thought that I was more half-there than all-there – I always suspected that I was watching TV instead of living life. People sometimes say that the way things happen in movies is unreal, but actually it's the way things happen in life that's unreal. The movies make emotions look so strong and real, whereas when things really do happen to you, it's like watching television – you don't feel anything. Right when I was being shot and ever since, I knew that I was watching television. The channels switch, but it's all television."
·         Marilyn Monroe = favorite model (not painted until after death)
·         Wore silver wigs until he dyed his hair silver
·         Practicing Ruthenian Rite Catholic who described himself as a religious person
·         Died of a heart attack brought on by a gall bladder surgery and water intoxication
·         $100,000,000 for one of his paintings (highest amount paid) (“Eight Elvises”)
·         Referred to as the “Prince of Pop”

Monday, March 14, 2011

Photoshop Post- Pancho

This project was meant to help us become more familiar with Photoshop and to be able to change the different levels of light and dark in a picture into a color whether it be a bright one or a dark one.
The picture I chose for my portfolio is of my dog in a pasture. He is a series of different blues including turquoise, light blue, and dark blue. I wanted to leave the background the same as it was so that the picture could appear as if my dog was a sort of cartoon character taken out of a movie and placed into the real world.
I liked the way my picture turned out because my dog turned out looking very different from the background. He is a bright blue while the rest of the background of the image is a natural green for the grass and blue for the sky.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol was born Andrew Warhola on August 6, 1928, in a two-room row house apartment at 73 Orr Street in Pittsburgh. His parents, Carpatho-Rusyn immigrants Andrej and Julia Warhola, had three sons. Andy was their youngest.
Devout Byzantine Catholics, the family attended mass regularly and observed the traditions of their Eastern European heritage. Warhol’s father, a laborer, moved his family to a brick home on Dawson Street in 1934. Warhol attended the nearby Holmes School and took free art classes at Carnegie Institute (now The Carnegie Museum of Art). In addition to drawing, Hollywood movies enraptured Andy and he frequented the local cinema. When he was about nine years old, he received his first camera. Andy enjoyed taking pictures, and he developed them himself in his basement.
Andrej Warhola died in 1942, the same year that Andy entered Schenley High School. Recognizing his son’s talent, Andrej had saved money to pay for his college education. Warhol attended Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) from 1945 to 1949. He earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Pictorial Design with the goal of becoming a commercial illustrator. During these years he worked in the display department at Horne’s department store.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Little Toy- Sock Monkey

 1. This is a picture of Chester, the sock monkey watching the sun rise. ..

 2. This is Chester smelling some flowers

 3. Chester hangin' out
 4. Chester taking a break in the comfy grass..
 5. Chester walking along the path..
 Photoshop: All I did in this photo was desaturate it but I thought it brought the mood down for the end of Chester's day adventuring mother nature and pondering life.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

architecture assignment

 Ghiradelli edited
 Transamerica building big
 house interior
 Ghiradelli big
 Ghiradelli Detail
Ghiradelli Interior

Friday, January 21, 2011

Chapter 9 Notes

  • landscape- wide views 
  • close-up capture landscape in detail
  • abstract images of landscape that accentuate texture, and pattern
  • Carleton E. Watkins wanted to capture grandeur of the American West
    • Yosemite Valley- opened his own gallery in San Francisco
  • Ansel Adams was also inspired by Yosemite Valley
    • visited when he was 14 years old 
    • best known for his Yosemite pictures
  • Timothy O'Sullivan 
    • Photographic Sketchbook of the War
    • famous for his picture of the Grand Canyon
    • took pictures of the Civil War
    • formed his own studio

  • Thinking Artistically-set up of a shot
    • look for elements and principles
    • look for balance
    • all objects work together in balance
    • light and dark
    • unity and variety
  • Camera Settings
    • f/16, f/22 
    • Adams used f/64
    • f-stops shutter speeds from 1/15 of a second to several seconds long--or even several minutes
  • Light- just after sunrise  light is good.
  • quality of light, shapes, shadows should be paid close attention to
  • color is affected much by lighting
  • Landscape pictures it is good when they look three dimensional
  • Film- Detail oriented images of landscapes 
    • 100 ISO film with 35 mm cameras capture all details
    • black and white photography to exentuate value, texture, and pattern
This photo has beautiful color, value because of the contrast,
texture because of the soft looking clouds, 
  • Lenses
    • landscape photographers prefer the wide-angle lenses that capture more of the scene.
    • Telephoto lenses good for concentrating on detail of an area
    • Macro lenses are useful for getting up close images
  • Filters
    • at least a yellow filter
    • to get black skies pair red filter with polarizer, which darkens the sky
  • Camera support- tripod!
      • f-stops
        • f/16 or f/22
  • The Grand Landscape
    • "big view" for pictures of the great outdoors
    • widepopen expanses that showcase the majesty of natural world
    • include large expansion of scene
  • Abstracted elements
    • images composed of lines, shapes, values and testures.
      • tree bark patterns
      • lichen on a boulder
      • trees
      • depth
      • color or black and white are good
      • make the photo look somewhat like painting

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Landscape Photographer Biographies

1) Classic: Ansel Adams
Ansel Easton Adams
  • Born February 20, 1902
  • Died April 22, 1984
  • an American photographer and environmentalist
  • best known for his black and white photographs of the American West, especially in Yosemitee National Park
  • He learned basic darkroom technique working part-time for a San Francisco photo finisher.
  • Adams avidly read photography magazines, attended camera club meetings, and went to photography and art exhibits.
  • With retired geologist and amateur ornithologist Francis Holman, who he called "Uncle Frank", he explored the High Sierra, in summer and winter, developing the stamina and skill needed to photograph at high elevation and under difficult weather conditions.
  • One of his most famous photographs was Moon and Half Dome, Yosemite National Park, California.
  • In 1940, Ansel put together A Pageant of Photography, the most important and largest photography show in the West to date, attended by millions of visitors.With his wife, Adams completed a children's book and the very successful Illustrated Guide to Yosemite Valley during 1940 and 1941. He also taught photography by giving workshops in Detroit and his pupils included future photographer Todd Webb. Adams also began his first serious stint of teaching in 1941 at the Art Center School of Los Angeles, which included the training of military photographers.
  • This photo has the element of value because of the contrast of the bright mood and the shadows at the bottom. There is also some texture because you can see the ridges on the rock and can immagine what it feels like.

2) Contemporary: Heidi Kirkpatrick
This photo has symmetry, and lines from the parallel cigarettes wrapped in what appears to be newspaper.
  • Born in 1959 in Springfield, Ohio
  • Experience-- 2004-Present  Photography Instructor, The Northwest Academy, Portland, OR

    1997-2000      Head of Photographic Education, Safelight Darkroom, Portland, OR

      Teachers Assistant to Jim Henderson, Master Black and White Photography at Portland State University, Portland, OR
    Teachers Assistant to Richard Kraft, Basic Photography, 
  • Professional Activities
  • Cascade Aids Project Art Auction, Art Donor
    • Visiting Artist, Visual Communication through Photography, St. Mary's Academy
    • Visiting Artist, Pinhole and Toy Camera at Oregon College of Art and Craft
    • Curator, Silver Gallery
  • Darkroom Assistant to John Barna, Head of Photography Department
  • known for the warm and callming aspects of her photos
  • soft corners, dents and dings
  • reveal narratives of family snapshots, or complexities of the feminine allure
  • her photos transform found objects into playful pieces of art

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    Chapter 8 Notes- Architecture and Urban Landscapes

    Architecture and Urban Landscapes
    • indirect portraits- pics of buildings and homes in neighborhoods, towns, cities
    • pattern- repetition of any of the elements of art, usually part of every image
    • contrast- difference or range of values
    • texture- the tactile or touchable quality of surface
    • either black and white or color 
    • empahsize color and setting, while black and white films emphasize values, shapes, textures.
    • ex: magazines, brochures almost always in color

    • color of the lighting 
    • very important in interior architecture
    • orange colors can be seen when not wanted
    • eyes automatically adjust, flourescent lights better
    • doing the big view and wider interior shots, wide angle lenses are best because you can't get back far enough to get the entire scene you want with normal lenses.
    Camera Support
    • tripod= slow, fine-grained film and lots of depth of field, you will probably be using shutter speeds slow enough to  use a tripod
    • lightweight tripods better
    • maximum support- only a tripod can give you
    • filters can improve images in black and white
    • bring out textures in stone and concrete, bring a more tactile or touchable quality to your prints

    The Big View

    • big view- wide anle overall view
    • perspective distortion- appears as strong converging lines in a building, where the sides of the building angle in toward each other instead of looking parallel as they are in reality.
    • good way to tune into visual world around us
    Detail Shot
    •  detail shot features the individual architectural elements of a building's interior or exterior 
    • you can zero into an intriguing element of a photo
    • ex: stainless steel buildings of a city

    Interior view
    • more detail than interior
    • seen as concentrating on the presence of the people who live in and use those rooms
    • detail- depth and field and the f-stop on lens
    • reasonably close for interior, 4 feet or so to about 20 feet 
    • closer to subject, higher f-stop

    Monday, January 10, 2011

    American Photography

    • New York Daly Times is the first newspaper with pictures
    • Always had big news everyday with pictures
    • Staged pictures become popular
    • pictures make art become liveable, celebrities
    • Photographs liked much better than drawings.
    • cigarette lighter, toilet, fender made into magnificent photographs
    • Babe Ruth made millions for all his photographical advertisements and only thousands for his actual baseball skills
    • In 1913 Rodolf Valentino moved to NY, became famous for his good looks, died of a bursting appendix when he was only 31 years old
    • NY Graphic- Valentino in heaven
    • influenced all aspects of life from the 20's till today